Pepe Vila

Pepe is a security researcher with a broad background and special interest in side-channels. He currently works as a Principal Security Architect at Arm, guarding the gap between architecture and microarchitecture and pushing the security of the next generation processors. Previously he worked at the IMDEA Software Institute, where he obtained his PhD.

Ignacio Navarro

Ignacio Navarro, is an Ethical Hacker and Security Researcher born in Córdoba, Argentina. With around 6 years in the world of cybersecurity, he currently plays the role of Application Security. His interests include code analysis, web application security, and cloud security. Speaker at Hackers2Hackers, Security Fest, BSides, Diana Initiative, Hacktivity Budapest, 8.8, Ekoparty.

Matteo Malvica

Matteo Malvica is a senior content developer and security researcher at OffSec focusing on vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering and operating system internals.

Kurosh Dabbagh

Kurosh works as an operator in the BlackArrow (Tarlogic) Red Team, is a malware development enthusiast and dedicates much of his free time to research, mainly focused on Windows Internals and EDR evasion.

Marwan El-Gendi

Red Teamer and generally interested in security research.

Ignacio Brihuega

Nacho is a professional with more than 10 years of experience in the field of cybersecurity. He currently works as an Offensive Security Leader at BeDisruptive and at the same time collaborates as a teacher in the Castilla La Mancha master's degree (UCLM). Additionally, he is an active co-author on the Follow The White Rabbit blog.

Javier Ferrero

Javier Ferrero Aka Gibdeon works as Red Team Lead at UST Cyberproof, passionate about CTF and WarGames, among his interests stand out the evasion of defenses and OPSEC during Red Team exercises. He teaches at La Salle. He has participated in conferences such as H-C0N, Secadmin or Sh3llc0n.

Bernardo Quintero

Bernardo Quintero is from the generation of the Spectrum and the movie Wargames. Together with Antonio Ropero (q.e.p.d.) he created “una-al-día”, the first computer security newsletter in Spanish, which ended up becoming Hispasec Sistemas. During his first years as co-founder of Hispasec, he specialized in auditing and pentesting, and later founded VirusTotal, eventually acquired by Google to become part of its group specializing in advanced threats. There they became the first security team to make the leap to X, Google's secret labs, where they founded Chronicle Security, Alphabet's first cybersecurity company. Later on, the merger between Google Cloud and Chronicle Security took place, giving rise to Google Clmalaoud Security, where Bernardo continues his work as Security Engineer Director. All this from his homeland, the sunny Malaga, where since the end of last year he leads the headquarters of the new Google Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (GSEC).

Amador Aparicio

Amador is CISO of the company Zunder and previously was CISO of ICON Multimedia. Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Member of the Privacy Engineering Research Group of the University of Valladolid, an activity that he combines with being a Professor in the Master of Cybersecurity at the University of Castilla la Mancha and the Master in ICT Security at the European University of Madrid. Mentor within Telefónica's talent acquisition program, Talentum Startups, since December 2013 and co-author of the books “Hacking Web Technologies 2nd Edition” and “Raspberry Pi for Hackers and Makers: PoCs & Hacks Just for Fun”. He has recently received CSE (Chief Security Envoy) recognition from ElevenPaths.

Ángel Luis Veloy

More than 10 years of experience in cybersecurity. Currently working as SMIR (incident response) at SIX Group (operator of stock exchanges in Switzerland and Spain).

Juan Manuel Fernández

Juan Manuel Fernández (a.k.a. X-C3LL) graduated in Biology from the University of Salamanca. He learned computer security in a self-taught way, which has allowed him to be part of MDSec's Red Team, previously co-leading BlackArrow's (Tarlogic) Red Team and leading Telefónica Tech's Red Team. Founder of Adepts of 0xCC, member of Ka0labs and occasional CTF player with the ID-10-T team.

Eder de Manueles

Telecommunications technician with over 10 years in the industry, developing in open source technologies. He has worked in all areas of telecommunications, with a greater dedication to the VoIP world. Currently, he is integrated in the Irontec Cybersecurity team, carrying out PurpleTeam tasks, assisting the sales department in pre-sales and validation of tools and contributing to the growth of the team. Based on the experience in the VoIP sector, he contributes to the community by taking security in this sector to the next level.

Arnau Gàmez

Hacker, investigador de seguridad y matemático con una fuerte inclinación hacia la seguridad del software y la ingeniería inversa. Especializado en investigación y desarrollo de protección de software desde una doble perspectiva de ataque y defensa, tanto en el mundo académico como en la industria. Experimentado analista de malware en el sector antivirus e ingeniero de seguridad en la industria del juego. Fundador de Fura Labs, empresa boutique de seguridad y consultoría centrada en la investigación y formación sobre protección de software. Ponente y formador en varias conferencias internacionales sobre seguridad.

Álvaro Fernández

Industrial Engineer, currently working at Vicomtech as a senior researcher in the Digital Security department. As part of the technical team, he works on various areas, such as identity management, blockchain technology, industrial cybersecurity applied to machine tools, and intelligent response through Reinforcement Learning. He is currently working on his doctoral thesis on the application of RL in cybersecurity with the University of Malaga.

Luis Toro

Luis Toro began his career in IT as a systems technician before moving into the world of cybersecurity in 2019, working on SOCs for the banking and energy sectors. After consolidating his expertise in asset protection, he took a turn towards ethical hacking as a pentester in PCI environments. In recent years he has specialized in Kubernetes and container systems. He is currently a security consultant at NCC Group and has been a speaker at Euskalhack 2023 and Kubecon China 2023.

Tània Diaz

Tània Diaz is a mathematician and cybersecurity evaluator, specialized in Fault Injection and Side Channel attacks on hardware devices. She has more than two years of experience in the industry and a passion for cybersecurity, specifically in the field of cryptography.

Sara Ribes

Sara Ribes is an industrial engineer and cybersecurity evaluator, specialized in Fault Injection and Side Channel attacks on hardware devices. She has more than two years of experience in the industry and a passion for cybersecurity, specifically in the field of cryptography.

Jesus Olmos

Jesus Olmos (a.k.a. sha0coder), has worked for more than 6 years in pentesting and 9 years in malware reversing. He currently works at FOX-IT, part of the NCC group. He has given several presentations at conferences such as NcN, OWASP, MalCon or r2con. He has been in the final of the CTF in Las Vegas (Los Sexy Pandas), created several exploits and discovered many vulnerabilities, even in Linux and Windows.

Pablo Estevan

Pablo Estevan is the Public Sector Engineering Manager for Spain at Palo Alto Networks. With extensive experience in the IT security industry, in addition to Palo Alto Networks and its Cortex unit for SOC transformation, he has worked in companies such as Secuware, Innovae, Zitralia and RSA, accumulating a solid background in the field. He studied computer engineering at UPM and holds the CISSP certification. Passionate follower of technology and speaker for many years, he has shared his experience in events such as RootedCON, CCNCert, Navaja Negra and RSA Conference, among others. He is fully aligned with the mission to protect the digital lifestyle and address the world's biggest security challenges through continuous innovation, leveraging the latest advances in artificial intelligence, analytics, automation and orchestration.

Igor Pallín

Igor Pallin is a cybersecurity technician for digital security research projects at Vicomtech. Among the different projects in which he has participated, the following stand out: The management of the cybersecurity laboratory of the Basque Digital Innovation Hub (recognized as European Digital Innovation Hub), cybersecurity projects on digital twins of various sectors and critical infrastructures (industry 4.0, health, CBRN and finance) and research in 5G and V2X communications.

Miguel Ángel Hernández

Miguel Ángel Hernández is the founder and promoter of EuskalHack. Self-taught with more than 20 years of experience in the sector, he has worked in the area of systems and cybersecurity in various fields, such as specialized consultancies, telecommunications companies, industrial, or public administration. Also, in recent years he has been a specialized teacher of computer security and currently develops his professional activity focused on digital security for the public sector.